News tagged "fresh start" | Keir Fine Jewellery


Happy New Year!

Another year has come and gone as we wake up in 2014. A new year always feels like a fresh start, a chance to reset and refocus - well at least it does for me! It's a great time to take stock of the year that was and plan for the year that will be. Often it is seen as a time to reinvest in one's self - gym memberships increase, healthy eating becomes fodder for water cooler chats, vows to stop drinking (or drink less) are taken and other resolution's are made.

However, this year I made a resolution to not make any resolutions, let's be honest, I was tired of failing! Every year I'd make a decision to 'do more of this' and 'less of that' and every year by mid January (sometimes sooner and sometimes later) I had failed to live up to my resolutions. So in an effort to be more realistic I've decided to create a list of 'goals' vs. resolutions:


Work Hard but Play Harder

Be Nice - even when I don't want to, you never know it could make all the difference to someone

Take Care of Me - so that I can take care of others

Make Time for What's Important - Family, Friends, Spa Days, Yoga, Reading....

Worry Less, Enjoy More


Tell me your thoughts, have you made resolutions? Set goals? What would you add to this list?


From all of us at Keir, we wish you the very best in 2014!


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